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Seminário Extraordinário da CAP: Lightning and Climate - Dr. Earle R. Williams (MIT)

por INPE
Publicado: Out 09, 2019
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São José dos Campos-SP, 09 de outubro de 2019

Lightning and Climate – Dr. Earle R. Williams (MIT)

Data: 11/10/2019 – sexta-feira
Horário: 14h00 – 15h30
Local: Auditório CEA II- INPE/SJCampos

Descrição: Research on regional and global lightning activity and the global electrical circuit is summarized. This area of activity has greatly expanded through observations of lightning by satellite and through increased use of the natural (Schumann) resonances of the Earth-ionosphere cavity. The global electrical circuit provides a natural framework for monitoring global change on many time scales. Lightning is responsive to temperature on many time scales, but the sensitivity to temperature appears to diminish at the longer time scales.

Palestrante: Earle R. Williams is a research scientist at MIT engaged in studies of physical meteorology (atmospheric electricity, cloud microphysics, radar meteorology, tropical convection), volcanology (explosive eruptions and lightning), and global dust transport out of Africa. The recent focus of attention has been on the global electrical circuit and the use of the Earth’s natural Schumann resonances for quantifying global lightning activity. Research Interests: Global electrical circuit, Schumann resonances, cloud microphysics, polarimetric radar, tropical convection, volcanic lightning, African dust, and global transport.




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