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CCIS 2019 is organized by the School of Physics of the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) - Atlanta (GA), USA.

The School of Physics is an academic unit located of the Georgia Tech (Georgia, USA). The School offers undergraduate (bachelor's degrees in Physics or Applied Physics) and graduate degrees, conducting high level research in physics issues. and teaching activities related to physics at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The School of Physics also offers programs of study leading to certificates in Applied Optics; Atomic, Molecular, and Chemical Physics; and in Computer Bases.

All participants are welcome to visit the School of Physics facilities and the Georgia Tech campus during the CCIS 2019.


The CCIS 2019 will held at Georgia Tech Bobby Dodd Stadium (see map) - walk distance

From the School of Physics

Posted By: INPE
Última Modificação: Mar 20, 2019 15h17