Registration for the Graduate Courses at INPE. Selection Process for 2019 is from July 16, 2018, to October 30, 2018.
The documents listed below are required for the registration, in PDF format:
- Transcripts of Undergraduate and Master's programs (for Doctoral candidates);
- Copy of the Master Dissertation (for candidates for the Doctoral programs);
- Candidates working at INPE need approval from the immediate supervisor and the level "A" of their area;
It is also mandatory to inform the link for the Lattes Curriculum of the candidate (candidates who are not Brazilian may replace this option by a detailed Curriculum vitae) and at least three (3) letters of reference (name, institution and email of people who actually can report on academic and/or professional activities of the candidate).
Additional Information
Some courses have specific guidelines and requirements that are listed below. Make sure the desired course is included in one of these options and, in this case, read the guidelines before making the registration:
- Applications for the course Space Engineering and Technology, Concentration Area of Engineering and Space Systems Management - ETE / CSE
- Applications for the course of Earth System Science
- Applications for the course in Space Geophysics
- For all candidates for the Master's and Doctoral programs in the four areas of concentration (CMC, CMS, CSE and PCP) of the course in Space Engineering and Technology
- Applications for the course in Meteorology
The first step in the registration is to make a registration at INPE website. Internal users can use the "Login Institutional" instead. Simply access the form available at the following address:
After performing the registration in the site, providing the required and additional items, the registration can be made using the link below:
For more information about Graduate Courses at INPE, access:
Phone: (12) 3208-6846 / 3208-6852
Email: posgraduacao
National Institute for Space Research - INPEAvenida dos Astronautas, 1.758 - Jd. Granja - CEP 12227-010
São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil