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Technical Program

JURSE 2013 starts on April 21st 2013 evening with the opening ceremony at the theater of the Maksoud Plaza Sao Paulo Hotel, followed by an icebreaker reception.

Keynote talks, oral and poster sessions will also take place at the Maksoud Plaza Sao Paulo Hotel, from April 22nd to 23rd.

The attendance at the ice-breaker reception, coffee-breaks, lunches, and the conference dinner listed in the Technical Program below are all included in the registration package.

Sunday, 21st

Start End Activity
15:00 18:00 Registration
19:00 19:45 Opening Ceremony
19:45   Ice-breaker Reception

Monday, 22nd

Start End Activity
8:30 8:40 Welcome Words
8:40 9:20 Keynote Speaker 1: Hannes Taubenböck1
9:20 9:40 GEO Plenary Session: Francesco Gaetani2
9:40 10:00 GEO Plenary Session: Martino Pesaresi3
10:00 10:20 GEO Plenary Session: Thomas Esch4
10:20 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 12:30 Parallel Sessions
12:30 14:00 Lunch
14:00 15:40 Parallel Sessions
15:40 16:20 Coffee Break+Posters
16:20 18:00 Parallel Sessions
19:30   Conference Dinner

1 Hannes Taubenböck´s Lecture Title: "Quo vadis Urban Remote Sensing? - A critical discussion on the status quo of our community"
German Aerospace Centre - DLR, Germany

Francesco Gaetani´s Lecture Title: "Building a Global Earth Observation System of Systems: How GEOSS enables Global Integrated Earth System Science"
Group on Earth Observations - GEO, Switzerland

3 Martino Pesaresi´s Lecture Title: "Globally-consistent information from HR/VHR image data: the need of a paradigm shift"
EU Joint Research Centre - JRC, Italy

Thomas Esch´s Lecture Title: "Monitoring urbanization from space – Global mapping of mega cities and settlement patterns"
German Aerospace Centre - DLR, Germany

Tuesday, 23rd

Start End Activity
9:00 10:00 Keynote Speaker 2: Peter Noble5
10:00 10:20 Group Photo (Outdoor Gardens)
10:20 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 12:30 Parallel Sessions
12:30 14:00 Lunch
14:00 15:40 Parallel Sessions
15:40 16:20 Coffee Break+Posters
16:20 17:40 Parallel Sessions
17:45 18:15 Closing Ceremony

5 Peter Noble´s Lecture Title: "3D North Sydney Project - Urban mapping and modeling for local government administration"
PSN Surveying, Australia