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Program One-Day Symposium

Global Environmental Change: Regional Perspectives and Advances

Location: "Auditorium of Science", located in the Science Wood at INPA (National Institute for Amazonia Research)
Manaus, Brazil
October 13th 2011

Floresta IGBP

The goal of this one -day symposium is to present highlights from Brazilian scientists and policy makers working on the theme of global environmental change from a variety of perspectives and involved with the IGBP community.

The series of short presentations in this workshop will highlight to the audience the advances of the Brazilian scientific agenda and programmes on global environmental change and the challenges faced to pin down solutions regarding the three aspects concerning regional sustainability: environmental viability, economical feasiability, and socially desirable. It is also an opportunity for the IGBP officers to present their advances on different themes related to global environmental change and the contribution of the IGBP program and synthesis.

This workshop will bring the perspective of developing country scientists involved in the IGBP network for discussion at the Planet Under Pressure 2012 London conference preceding Rio +20.
