The local language is Portuguese. During the workshop, the official language will be English.
The Brazilian currency is Brazilian Reais. The current exchange rate can be checked here:
Credit Cards
Major international credit cards are accepted at hotels, as well as at most restaurants, cafes, shops, airports, and car rental agencies.
Foreign currencies
US Dollars and Euros as well as other foreign currency are generally not accepted. A few currencies exchange agencies are available in downtown and inside some shopping malls.
There are some Automated Teller Machines (ATM) in INPE’s campus and in downtown in São José dos Campos. Please, consult your card issuer bank on the fees applicable.
Electricity in São José dos Campos is 220 Volts but other areas are 110 V (such as the São Paulo Guarulhos international airport); frequency is 60 Hz nationwide.
At INPE´s campus both 110 V and 220 V are available in most of the offices and meeting rooms.
Information about the outlet plugs are available in the following link:
Weather on September in São José dos Campos
Average maximum temperature: 27 degrees Celsius
Average minimum temperature: 14 degrees Celsius
Days may be rather warm, evenings and nights may be rather cool. Light and warm clothes with jackets could be necessary.
Average monthly precipitation: approximately 70 mm.
For current weather forecasts please visit: